Clinical Center News
July / August 2024

Unveiling the Symbolism of the Juneteenth Flag

Juneteenth flag

The Juneteenth flag was created in 1997 and serves as a powerful symbol, embodying the essence of freedom and hope. The historical significance of the Juneteenth flag and meaning behind the flag's imaginative design were discussed.

The White Star carries dual symbolism. First, it represents Texas, known as the Lone Star State, where Union soldiers arrived in Galveston in 1865 to inform the last remaining enslaved people that they were indeed free, as proclaimed by the Emancipation Proclamation issued two years earlier. Secondly, the star’s symbolism extends beyond Texas, representing the emancipation and freedom of African Americans across all 50 states (like the stars on the flag).

The flag's color scheme of red, white, and blue again pays homage to the American flag itself. It serves as a reminder that enslaved individuals and their descendants were, and are, Americans. The date of on the flag, June 19, 1865, marked a pivotal moment when enslaved black people in Galveston, Texas, were finally recognized as Americans under the law.

The Juneteenth Flag serves as a poignant reminder of the journey towards equality and the importance of commemorating historical milestones.

-Janice Duran

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